Dulcified Tin Pan Alley

Dulcified Tin Pan Alley


25 Tin Pan Alley favorites in both solo and ensemble arrangements, plus CD.

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1. American Patrol - 3 parts (mp3)
2. Back Home in Indiana - 3 parts
3. Beautiful Ohio - 1 part
4. Bill Bailey - 1 part  (mp3)
5. Bluebell - 1 part
6. Button Up Your Overcoat - 2 parts (mp3)
7. Come Take A Trip In My Airship - 2 parts
8. Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two) - 2 parts (mp3)
9. Fountain in the Park - 1 part 
10. I'll Take You Home, Again, Kathleen - 1 part (mp3) 
11. Let Me Call You Sweetheart - 1 part
12. Look For the Silver Lining - 1 part (mp3)
13. My Blue Heaven - 1 part (mp3)
14. Peg 'O My Heart - 1 part (mp3)
15. Perfect Day - Key of A (Capo 4) - 2 parts (mp3)
16. Perfect Day - Key of D (1+ fret) - 1 part 
17. Shine On Harvest Moon (Capo 3) - 1 part
18. Show Me the Way To Go Home - Key of A (Capo 4) - 2 parts 
19. Show Me the Way To Go Home - Key of D (1+ fret) - 2 parts (mp3)
20. Simple Melody - 5 parts (mp3)
21. Stars and Stripes - Key of A (Capo 4) - 2 parts
22. Stars and Stripes - Key of D (1+ fret) - 2 parts  (mp3)
23. Take Me Out to the Ball Game - 1 part
24. Wait 'Til the Sun Shines, Nellie (Capo 3) - 1 part
25. Whispering - 3 parts (mp3)